Emily Cooper

Emily Cooper
Alison O’Dowd, Ph.D.
Graduation Year: 

Emily's research quantified anadromous salmonid spawning and rearing habitat and estimated potential carrying capacity in the mainstem Eel River watershed upstream of Scott Dam for Coho salmon, Chinook salmon, and steelhead trout. Fish passage barriers upstream of Scott Dam were identified, and streams within the designated study site were stratified into reach types that were then be subsampled for implementing habitat assessment field surveys. Ground survey data, aerial imagery, and LiDar data were combined to create a three-dimensional geospatial fish population model to estimate capacity. Implications of this project have the potential to provide evidence for dam removal, as well as demonstrating advances in applying high-resolution topographic data from LiDar technology to instream habitat modeling and carrying capacity estimation. This can assist researchers and managers in adapting watershed management practices that combine field-based methods and technological advances to support both human and freshwater systems.