Graduate Student Research Topics
Current Students
Ted Masters
Thesis: New Wolves in a New West: Constructing Wolves and Landscapes in Wallowa County
Advisor: Yvonne Everett, Ph.D.
Kagat McQuillan
Thesis: Yurok Food Resources from the Redwood Experimental Forest (REF) with an emphasis on Vaccinium parvifolium
Advisor: Yvonne Everett, Ph.D.
Jesse Laine
Thesis: Ecosystem services across a restoration chronosequence in Northern California coastal prairie
Advisor: Kerry M. Byrne, Ph.D.
Lee Minicuci
Thesis: Utilizing Root Traits to Aid in Climate Resilient Grassland Restoration Planning
Advisor: Kerry M. Byrne, Ph.D.
Tambo Phrakonkham
Thesis: Modeling Floodplain Connectivity in The Lower Eel River (Wiya’t), Humboldt County, Northern California
Advisor: Jim Graham, Ph.D.
Sean Fleming
Thesis: Satellite-Based Phenology and Climate Anomaly Analysis in Evaluating the Response of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands Tropical Forests to the 2015-2016 Drought
Advisor: Jim Graham, Ph.D.
Rylee Rawson
Thesis: Characterizing Ecosystem Response to Stream Crossing Removal in Redwood National and State Park
Advisor: Alison O’Dowd, Ph.D.
Katherine Stonecypher
Thesis: Diet, Growth, and Survival of Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in Off-Channel Restoration Projects in Humboldt Bay Tributaries
Advisor: Alison O’Dowd, Ph.D.
Rosa Cox
Thesis: Effects of Sedimentation from Dam Removal on Klamath River Aquatic Food Webs
Advisor: Alison O’Dowd, Ph.D.
Julie Sorfleet
Thesis: Engaging Communities in Planning for Relocation of a Spent Nuclear Fuel Site on Humboldt Bay Subject to Climate and Coastal Hazards
Advisor: Jennifer Marlow, J.D.
Alyssa Suarez
Thesis: Exploring Coastal Spaces of Tribal Sovereignty and Self-Determination in Ancestral Waters Leased for Offshore Wind Development.
Advisor: Jennifer Marlow, J.D.
Alexander Brown
Thesis: Exploring Community Knowledge, Perceptions of Risk, and Adaptive Capacity Around the Uncertain Future of Spent Nuclear Fuels on Humboldt Bay, California
Advisor: Jennifer Marlow, J.D.
Sean Stewart
Thesis: Insights into conservation for the rare perennial herb, Astragalus applegatei
Advisor: Kerry M. Byrne, Ph.D.
Maddie McNerthney
Thesis: Examining the impacts of beaver dam analogues and groundwater storage on Miners Creek, California
Advisor: Jim Graham, Ph.D.
Hannah Joss
Thesis: Monitoring bull kelp (Nereocystis leutkeana) remotely at high resolutions
Advisor: Jim Graham, Ph.D.
Jasmine Williamshen
Thesis: Response of invertebrate drift to dam-release restoration pulse flows from Lewiston Dam on the Trinity River, CA
Advisor: Alison O’Dowd, Ph.D.
Imil Ferrara
Thesis: A Political Ecology of Northwest California Land Communities
Advisor: Yvonne Everett, Ph.D.
Aaron Taveras
Thesis: The performance of 2D and 3D tsunami evacuation maps : a case study for Seaside, Oregon
Advisor: Jim Graham, Ph.D.
Lara Jansen
Thesis: Ecological implications of dam flow diversions on the Upper Eel River
Advisor: Alison O’Dowd, Ph.D.
Monique Silva Crossman
Thesis: Effects of manual and mechanical Ammophila arenaria removal techniques on coastal dune plant communities and morphology
Advisor: Alison O’Dowd, Ph.D.
Emily Cooper
Thesis: An estimation of potential salmonid habitat capacity in the upper mainstem Eel River, California
Advisor: Alison O’Dowd, Ph.D.
Melissa Kimble
Thesis: Mapping uncertainty for habitat Suitability models for four North American tree species
Advisor: Jim Graham, Ph.D.
Claudia Voigt
Thesis: Measuring Recreation Use Impacts on Old-Growth Redwoods
Advisor: Steven R. Martin, Ph.D.
Rebekah Rafferty
Thesis: Rancher Adaptations to Wolf Depredation in Western Montana
Advisor: Yvonne Everett, Ph.D.
Jessica Blackwell
Thesis: Does personal information and communication technology in the wilderness lead to more risk-taking in wilderness?
Advisor: Steven R. Martin, Ph.D.
Dawn Walker
Thesis: Feeding our Families: A Process of Reconnecting with Food, the Earth, and Each Other
Advisor: Yvonne Everett, Ph.D.
Daniel White
Thesis: Recreational Visitor Use of the Headwaters Forest Reserve
Advisor: Steven R. Martin, Ph.D.
Kelsey McDonald
Thesis: Tidal Seed Dispersal Potential of Spartina densiflora in Humboldt Bay (Humboldt County, California)
Advisor: Alison O’Dowd, Ph.D.
Rebekah Dickens
Thesis: Ecological and social considerations in tropical forest conservation: a case study in Ecuador
Advisor: Yvonne Everett, Ph.D.
Alyssa Hosbach
Thesis: Managing land for resilience: a comparative analysis of conservation planning and holistic management
Advisor: Yvonne Everett, Ph.D.
Michelle Fuller
Thesis: Herding Cats: Grassroots and centralized organizing in the case of California's Fire safe Councils
Advisor: Yvonne Everett, Ph.D.
Mark Douglas
Thesis: Yosemite Wilderness Visitor Travel Patterns -- Implications for Trailhead Permit Quotas
Advisor: Steven R. Martin, Ph.D.
Nicolas Ramirez
Thesis: Modeling Ecotoxicological Stressors Using GIS
Advisor: Steven J. Steinberg, Ph.D., GISP
Kristen Pope
Thesis: Visitor Perceptions of Wilderness Rescue
Advisor: Steven R. Martin, Ph.D.
Dan Shyrock
Thesis: Ecological Conditions and Monitoring Standards for Meadows in the John Muir and Ansel Adams Wilderness Areas, CA.
Advisor: Steven R. Martin, Ph.D.
Lenya Quinn Davidson
Thesis: Prescribed fire: Influences on community support and Management activities in Northern California
Advisor: Yvonne Everett, Ph.D.
Cybelle Immitt
Thesis: The potential of community action plans to promote economic revitalization through rural county planning
Advisor: Yvonne Everett, Ph.D.
Abbey Stockwell
Thesis: Analysis of barriers to low impact development in the North Coast Redwood Region, California
Advisor: Yvonne Everett, Ph.D.
Brian R. Davenhall
Thesis: Spatial Interpolation: A simulated analysis of the effects of sampling strategy on interpolation method
Advisor: Steven J. Steinberg, Ph.D., GISP
Lisa Spadoni
Thesis: The effectiveness of land use planning on the preservation of open space in five rural, high amenity communities in the Rocky Mountains
Advisor: Yvonne Everett, Ph.D.
Max Korten
Thesis: Developing Quantitative Indicators and Standards for Solitude on the Lost Coast Trail
Advisor: Steven R. Martin, Ph.D.
Whelan Gilkerson
Thesis: A spatial model of eelgrass (Zostera marina) habitat in Humboldt Bay, California
Advisor: Steven J. Steinberg, Ph.D., GISP
Ben Letton
Thesis: Hazardous fuel mapping and thematic accuracy assessment in the wildland urban interface
Advisor: Yvonne Everett, Ph.D.
John Letton
Thesis: Community Based Hazardous Fuel Mapping and Accuracy Assessment
Advisor: Yvonne Everett, Ph.D.
Zach Jarrett
Thesis: Expectancy-Disconfirmation Theory and Recreation Visitor Satisfaction
Advisor: Steven R. Martin, Ph.D.
Chaeli Judd
Thesis: Mapping Aquatic Vegetation: Using Bathymetric & Hyperspectral Imagery to Classify Submerged Eelgrass in Humboldt Bay, California
Advisor: Steven J. Steinberg, Ph.D., GISP
Jennifer Taylor
Thesis: Effectiveness of Hands-On Learning in a Children's Interpretive Program
Advisor: Carolyn J. Ward, Ph.D.
Brook R. Edwards
Thesis: Historical assessment of the ecological condition and channel dynamics of the lower Mokelumne River : 1910-2001
Advisor: Steven J. Steinberg, Ph.D., GISP
Matthew Perry
Thesis: Design and Evaluation of a Web Mapping Service for the Klamath River Basin
Advisor: Steven J. Steinberg, Ph.D., GISP
Jolie Lonner
Thesis: Determining the Sustainable Harvest of Oregon Grape (Berberis nervosa)
Advisor: Yvonne Everett, Ph.D.
Patty Clifford
Thesis: Integrating logistic regression and GIS to predict the distribution of Petasites frigidus in the Klamath Mountain subregion, C
Advisor: Yvonne Everett, Ph.D.
Jeff Marsolais
Thesis: Visitor Perceptions of Management Actions Across the Recreation Opportunity Spectrum
Advisor: Steven J. Steinberg, Ph.D., GISP
William D. Ritts
Thesis: A quantitative risk assessment of Port Orford cedar root disease in the Smith River National Recreation Area.
Advisor: Steven J. Steinberg, Ph.D., GISP
Michael D. Hass
Thesis: A Klamath River fisheries restoration webGIS
Advisor: Steven J. Steinberg, Ph.D., GISP