Publications and achievements submitted by our faculty, staff, and students.
Faculty Alison O'Dowd Environmental Science & Management
Dr. Alison O'Dowd recently published a paper in the journal 'Anthropocene' entitled: Wildfire, water, and society: Toward integrative research in the 'Anthropocene.'
Faculty Steven Steinberg Environmental Science & Management
Steven Steinberg, Ph.D., GISP, Adjunct Professor of Geospatial Sciences, has been invited as the keynote speaker for GIS Day on Wednesday, November 16 at Shasta College in Redding.
He will be presenting: A Geospatial Journey...or how I discovered GIS and made a career of it (and you can too)!
When: 6:00pm
Where: Shasta College, Room 804, 11555 Old Oregon Trail, Redding, CA 96003
For more info Contact: Dan Scollon, (530) 242-2314
Faculty Steve Martin Environmental Science & Management
Steve Martin was recently appointed to serve on the Board of Directors of the Society for Wilderness Stewardship, a national organization dedicated to promoting excellence in the professional practice of wilderness stewardship, science, and education.
Faculty Steve Martin Environmental Science & Management
Steve Martin attended the conference of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in Honolulu. Dr. Martin is a co-author of a new IUCN publication – ‘Wilderness Protected Areas: Management Guidelines for IUCN Category 1b.’ The publication, released/issued to the public at the IUCN conference, is described by IUCN as Best Practice Guidelines for IUCN Category 1b (Wilderness), the first global management guidelines that provide state of the art information on protecting and enhancing wilderness values in Category 1b protected areas, and in particular clarifying how wilderness areas and people can coexist in a reciprocal and mutually beneficial manner.
Faculty Dr. Steven J. Steinberg Environmental Science & Management
Dr. Steven Steinberg (Adjunct Professor, Geospatial Science) is speaking at the European Sociological Association, Qualitative Research Summit, Sept. 1- 3 in Cracow, Poland.
He will be presenting in the Mobile and Geospatial Research Technologies session about his recent fish consumption study supported by the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board, entitled: A Geospatial Survey of Anglers to Assess Fish Consumption from San Diego Bay, California.
More information about the conference is available at:
Faculty Steven Martin Environmental Science & Management
Steve Martin had an article published in the August issue of International Journal of Wilderness -- 'Protecting Visitors and the Wilderness through Stewardship Research.' The article was invited by the Editorial Board of the journal in response to Dr. Martin's recent award for excellence in wilderness stewardship research.
Faculty Steven Martin Environmental Science & Management
Dr. Steven Martin is co-author of a peer-reviewed article recently published in the Journal of Forestry--The Evolution of Wilderness Social Science and Future Research to Protect Experiences, Resources, and Societal Benefits.
Faculty Steven Martin Environmental Science & Management
Steve Martin and former graduate student Jessica Blackwell ('15) published a peer-reviewed article in the April issue of International Journal of Wilderness -- Personal Locator Beacons--Influences on Wilderness Visitor Behavior.
Faculty Alison O'Dowd Environmental Science & Management
Alison O'Dowd recently published an article in the journal "Hydrobiologia" entitled, "Do bio-physical attributes of steps and pools differ in high-gradient mountain streams?" The research for this paper was done on three tributaries of the Smith River in Del Norte County. The article can be found by searching the DOI 10.1007/s10750-016-2735-5
Faculty Steve Martin Environmental Science & Management
Dr. Martin has received the U.S. Forest Service Chief's 2015 National Award for Excellence in Wilderness Stewardship Research.
The award committee provided the following statement about Professor Martin's award:
Dr. Martin has collaborated with the Leopold Institute, as well as Forest Service and National Park Service units in the Sierra Nevada, to support management and planning decisions by employing science in a diversity of areas including: bear-proof containers and visitor safety, the use of technology in wilderness by visitors, quota decisions based on visitor travel simulation and visitor attitudes about intervention to adapt to climate change, and ecological restoration to fix problems caused by past human behavior. He remains focused on management solutions applied to wilderness stewardship issues relevant across the National Wilderness Preservation System.
Faculty Dr. Steven Steinberg, Adjunct Prof. Environmental Science & Management
Dr. Steven Steinberg, Adjunct Professor of Geospatial Sciences, was honored by the California Geographic Information Association with the Advancement in Collaboration Award granted for outstanding application of GIS technology representing innovative, elegant, or creative techniques. The award was made at the 21st Annual CalGIS Conference in Sacramento on June 1. For more information:
Faculty Drs. Sheila and Steven Steinberg Environmental Science & Management
Adjunct faculty members, Drs. Sheila and Steven Steinberg published a new book with Esri Press, “GIS Research Methods: Incorporating Spatial Perspectives”. This book shows researchers how to incorporate spatial thinking and geographic information system (GIS) technology into research design and analysis. Topics include research design, digital data sources, volunteered geographic information, analysis using GIS, and how to link research results to policy and action. Concepts presented in the book can be applied to projects in a range of social and physical sciences by researchers using GIS for the first time and experienced practitioners looking for new and innovative research techniques.
Faculty Kevin Fingerman Environmental Science & Management
Humboldt State has received a 2014-2015 Campus as a Living Lab grant from the California State University. HSU will use the grant to redesign Energy, Technology & Society (ENVS 370), an upper level course that explores technical, economic and policy changes concerning energy generation and use.
The Campus as a Living Lab Grant Program provides funds for teams of faculty and facilities staff to develop or redesign of a course that ties elements of sustainability into opportunities for learning using the campus physical plant. Funds of up to $12,000 are awarded to support the teams in the preparation of the proposed course.
Faculty Alison O'Dowd and Bill Trush Environmental Science & Management
The HSU River Institute has received research funding from Friends of the Eel River. The project will develop recommendations for blockwater releases from the Potter Valley Project to assist rearing and migration for anadromous salmonids in the Eel River.
Faculty Steve Martin, Rob Van Kirk, Kai Ross, Mark Douglas Environmental Science & Management
Environmental Science & Management Professor Steve Martin and Emeritus Math Professor Rob Van Kirk, along with their graduate students Mark Douglas and Kai Ross, have published a paper in the ‘Journal of Park and Recreation Administration’ titled “Computer Simulation Modeling to Determine Trailhead Quotas for Overnight Wilderness Visitor Use.” The paper presents the results of a study done for the National Park Service in Yosemite National Park. Both Douglas and Ross have gone on to Ph.D. programs.
Alumni Amanda Admire Environmental Science & Management
Amanda Admire ('13, Environmental Systems) presented on her master's thesis at the International Tsunami Symposium in Göcek, Turkey on September 28.
Faculty Steve Martin and Kristen Pope Environmental Science & Management
Prof. Steve Martin published a peer-reviewed paper with former graduate student Kristen Pope titled, "The Influence of Hand-Held Information and Communication Technology on Visitor Perceptions of Risk and Risk-Related Behavior" in "Wilderness visitor experiences: Progress in research and management" Rocky Mountain Research Station-P-66. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service.
Student Iris Koski Environmental Science & Management
Iris is a graduate student (class of 2012) presenting her research on oak woodland restoration at the Society for Ecological Restoration conference at UC Davis, May 15-17. The title of the presentation is "Landscapes in Transition: Private Lands Oak Woodland Management in the Klamath-Siskiyou Bioregion." This research was a collaborative project between HSU, private landowners, and numerous agencies and organizations who are concerned about oak woodlands in this region.
Student Matt Mitchell Environmental Science & Management
Matt Mitchell is a winner of Patricia O. McConkey Award for outstanding graduate thesis: A Comparison of Invertebrate Communities Occupying Spartina Invaded and Restored Salt Marshes of Humboldt Bay, CA.
Student Alexis Ollar Environmental Science & Management
Alexis Ollar was awarded the 2011-2012 Student Schloarship for applied research in the environmental sector, from the Association of Environmental Professionals (AEP) Bay Area Chapter. The scholarship was awarded for thesis work in the Environment & Community Program and Geospatial Science Graduate Certificate. The thesis was GIS work in sustainable foodsheds, food security analysis and participatory mapping exercises in Humboldt County. You can find Ollar's bio and scholarship information at