Publications and achievements submitted by our faculty, staff, and students.
Faculty Alison Purcell O'Dowd Environmental Science & Management
Alison Purcell O'Dowd co-authored a chapter in _Fluvial Geomorphology_, entitled "Urbanization in river systems," as part of a series put out by the Geological Society of America called "Treatise on Geomorphology."
Faculty Steve Martin and Kristen Pope Environmental Science & Management
Steven Martin and recent graduate student Kristen Pope published a peer-reviewed article based on Kristen's thesis research in the current issue of _International Journal of Wilderness_. Visitor Perceptions of Technology, Risk and Rescue in Wilderness. _International Journal of Wilderness_ 17(2):19-26,48.
Student Rosalinda Gonzalez, Daniel Hernandez, and Jeremy Rude Environmental Science & Management
Environmental Science students Rosalinda Gonzalez, Daniel Hernandez, and Jeremy Rude have all been awarded National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships for graduate study next year. The students receive $30,000 per year stipend and $10,500 cost of education allowance for three years at any institution in the US.
Alumni Jeff Dunk Environmental Science & Management
Jeff Dunk co-authored the following article which recently appeared in the journal Conservation Biology:
CARROLL, C., D. S. JOHNSON, J. R. DUNK, AND W. J. ZIELINSKI. 2010. Hierarchical Bayesian Spatial Models for Multispecies Conservation Planning and Monitoring. Conservation Biology 24:1538-1548.
Faculty Jeff Dunk Environmental Science & Management
Jeff Dunk co-authored the following paper in the journal Forest Ecology and Management:
ZIELINSKI, W. J, J. R. DUNK, J. S. YEAGER, AND D. W. LAPLANTE. 2010. Developing and Testing A Fisher Landscape Habitat Suitability Model for interior Northern California. Forest Ecology and Management 260:1579-1591.
Faculty Jeff Dunk Environmental Science & Management
Jeff Dunk (Environmental Science and Management) recently co-authored the following papers:
DUNK, J. R., AND J.J. VAN GELDER-HAWLEY. 2009. Red tree vole habitat suitability modeling: implications for conservation and management. Forest Ecology and Management 258:626-634.
CARROLL, C., J. R. DUNK, AND A. MOILANEN. 2010. Optimizing Resiliency of multi-species Reserve Networks to Climate Change in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Global Change Biology 16:891-904.
Faculty Steve Martin Environmental Science & Management
Steve Martin was nominated by the California State Office of the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) to participate in a national summit on the future of the National Landscape Conservation System, to be held in Nevada in November.
Faculty Steven Martin Environmental Science & Management
Steven Martin and former graduate student Kate McCurdy published a peer-reviewed article in International Journal of Wilderness on the use and effectiveness of bear resistant food storage canisters in Yosemite National Park.
Martin, Steven and Kate McCurdy. 2010. Wilderness food storage: Are bear-resistant food storage canisters effective? International Journal of Wilderness 16(1): 13-19.
Faculty Alison Purcell O'Dowd Environmental Science & Management
Dr. Purcell O'Dowd received a Sea Grant to explore how an invasive cord grass, Spartina densiflora, influences the overall primary productivity of salt marshes surrounding Humboldt Bay.